Welcome into the world little one
I’ve waited for this very moment to
place you upon my skin so you could
feel all my love flowing from within.
Night after night I felt your tiny kicks
but there will come a time when you
throw little fits, especially when it’s
feeding time, changing time, or when
you just want to be held, you’ll have
mommy under your spell.
It’s factual moments like this that make
motherhood worth going through and
choosing lactation as a method of feeding
is a natural and healthy choice one that gives
your infant’s immune system a better chance
allowing for a healthy lifespan.
See my precious little one, I’ll do everything
I can, to make all the right choices. We’re living
in a world that doesn’t always hear our voices
but trust I’ll always stand up and protect you.
That will be my sole purpose.
As you grow up, I’ll continue to protect and
guide you. Remember, never allow anyone to
disguise you. Live in the color of your skin
with determination and perseverance.
Education is your clearance, so grab hold of it.
I’ll always be here fighting for and with you,
my child. Not a day will go by that my cheers
won’t fly high. My salutation will reach you in
many places. Envision the gratitude on their faces
when your knowledge surpasses all that has been
denied, yes, they tried but couldn’t stop you.
My beautiful baby, I see you taking the world by
storm. I felt your motivation the day you were born.
This is why I made a promise to you while still in my
womb to love abundantly, As I Nurtured You.
Written By: Laura Wright
February 12, 2023 © Copywritten 2023
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