Planning for your baby is such an exciting time! Making sure you position yourself to be able to function from day to day is very important. It’s not easy to predict how each moment will turn out with your little one, but having what you need on hand will makeContinue Reading

Midwives have the ability to play an important role in the birthing process. They have many different skills and abilities that allow them to help bring babies into the world. Midwives were once a frontrunner when it came to delivering babies many years ago, especially in the black community. SheContinue Reading

There is a dire need for more focus to be given to issues in Maternal Child Health as it relates to black women. Black women are more likely to have higher incidences of Maternal Mortality than other races. Organizations are stepping up to find solutions, but we have much moreContinue Reading

Having a postpartum doula can be a positive experience for the breastfeeding mother and her family. The postpartum doula can assist with breastfeeding, meal preparation, newborn care, and help with siblings, etc. It would be wise for the family to communicate with the doula before delivery so that she canContinue Reading

A birthing plan is information that you put together in a document that explains your desires and wishes for the birth of your baby. It is a message so to speak to those in the hospital who will be working with you to make sure you have your desired deliveryContinue Reading

Making sure that your baby is immunized will help protect against childhood diseases. Many years ago we had a high rate of infant mortality (infant death), but thanks to modern technology we are able to help fight against infections that occur today. Organizations such as the CDC have established guidelinesContinue Reading