Planning for your baby is such an exciting time! Making sure you position yourself to be able to function from day to day is very important. It’s not easy to predict how each moment will turn out with your little one, but having what you need on hand will make a big difference. There are some essential items that will definitely make life easier.
- Diapers
- Baby products (wipes, shampoo, onesies, socks, receiving blankets)
- Crib set up in the nursery
- Carrier/car seat
- Breast pump
- Baby bottle
- Thermometer
- Phone number to pediatrician and lactation consultant
- Laundry detergent for baby
These are just a few of the many things that will be needed in order to adjust in the early postpartum period. The needs will change as the baby grows, but having the basics will help. Make sure you ask lots of questions in a childbirth education class and also gather information on support groups for moms. Help is available, but knowing where to seek help is key.
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